
In this lesson we are going to review what the thyroid does and what can cause it to have decreased function, resulting in hypothyroidism.  We will outline how reduced thyroid function in the body can affect normal functioning of many

Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SI...

What is antidiuretic hormone and what can cause low levels of this important hormone?  In this lesson, we will answer these questions along with offering an overview of signs and symptoms of the disorder, medications and  treatments methods, priority nursing

Diabetes Insipidus

What is diabetes insipidus and how does it differ from diabetes mellitus?  In this lesson, we will answer those questions along with giving an outline of signs and symptoms of the disorder, medications and  treatments methods, priority nursing interventions and


In this lesson, we’re going to review what the pituitary gland does and look at some causes and risk factors for developing hyperpituitarism, or overactive pituitary gland.  We are going to go over signs and symptoms of the disorder along


In this lesson, we’re going to discuss what the pituitary gland does and look at some causes and risk factors for developing hypopituitarism, or low functioning pituitary gland.  We will detail signs and symptoms of the disorder along with medications


In this lesson, we’re going to finish out the disorders of the adrenal glands by discussing pheochromocytoma.  We will look at the signs and symptoms, testing, medications and treatments methods that nurses need to be familiar with.  Also, we will

Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome)

In this lesson, we’re going to continue with adrenal gland disorders and review hyperaldosteronism.  We will look at signs and symptoms, testing, medications and treatments methods. Finally we will go over priority nursing interventions and  client education topics to promote

Cushing’s Syndrome

In this lesson, we’re going to review a type of adrenal gland disorder called Cushing’s syndrome.  We’re going to go over signs and symptoms nurses need to be familiar with in addition to testing used to confirm the disease.  Lastly,

Addison’s Disease

In this lesson, we’re going to review a type of adrenal gland disorder called Addison’s disease.  We’re going to go over signs and symptoms nurses need to be familiar with in addition to testing used to confirm the disease.  Lastly,

Cortisol Level

In this lesson we will discuss how a cortisol level aids healthcare providers in diagnosing and monitoring several disorders of the endocrine system.  We will also do a review on the function of cortisol in the body and identify nursing