First Degree Heart Block

What is a heart block?  In this lesson, we are going to go over a first degree heart block and look at some causes and risk factors for developing this cardiac dysrhythmia.  We will also look at the appearance of

Metabolic Alkalosis

In this lesson, we are going to discuss a type of acid-base imbalance called metabolic alkalosis.  We will review the lab parameters and signs and symptoms that aid in diagnosing this condition and identify causes and risk factors for development. 

Metabolic Acidosis

In this lesson, we are going to discuss a type of acid-base imbalance called metabolic acidosis.  We will go over signs and symptoms and lab parameters that will aid in diagnosing this condition and identify causes and risk factors for

Respiratory Alkalosis

In this lesson, we are going to review one type of acid-base imbalance called respiratory alkalosis.  We will review the lab parameters and signs and symptoms that aid in diagnosing this condition and identify causes and risk factors for development. 

Respiratory Acidosis

In this lesson, we are going to review one type of acid-base imbalance called respiratory acidosis.  We will review the lab parameters and signs and symptoms that aid in diagnosing this condition and identify causes and risk factors for development. 

Acid-Base Compensation Process

In this lesson, we are going to give a thorough review of how the body regulates acid-base balance using a process called compensation.  We will also review the normal pH ranges for the body and how systems work together to

Normal Acid-Base Values

In this lesson, we are going to review the normal lab values related to acid-base balance.  We will also review how to interpret arterial blood gas measurements to determine what acid-base imbalance may be present.   Learning Objectives: Upon the

Concepts of Acid-Base Balance

In this lesson, we are going to review several concepts that are important to understanding acid-base balance within the body.  We will review the normal pH ranges for the body and also introduce how the body regulates and balances pH

Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)

In this lesson, we are going to define supraventricular tachycardia, or SVT, and identify some causes and risk factors for developing this cardiac dysrhythmia.  We will go over signs and symptoms along with the appearance of SVT on a cardiac

Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC)

In this lesson, we are going to talk about what can cause premature ventricular contractions, or PVCs, and identify some causes and risk factors and signs and symptoms of this dysrhythmia.  We are also going to take a look at