Angina Pectoris – An Overview

Intermediate Nursing
Cardiovascular System
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Before you start this lesson on Angina Pectoris, be sure you have already viewed the Main Course Content on the Cardiovascular System and the lessons on Cardiovascular System Anatomy & Physiology and Concepts of Perfusion.  It will also be helpful to review the lessons on other types of angina. It is highly suggested to utilize all of the learning resources provided within these lessons including the videos, study sheets, and information reviews.  For this lesson, focus on the causes and risk factors for, signs and symptoms, medications and side effects, priority nursing interventions, assessing for potential complications, and client education topics.


Learning Objectives:

Upon the completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:

  1. Define angina pectoris
  2. Outline causes and risk factors for developing angina pectoris
  3. Select signs and symptoms of angina pectoris
  4. Predict potential complications of angina pectoris
  5. Construct nursing interventions for clients with angina pectoris
  6. Create an education plan for a client with angina pectoris

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