In this lesson, we will clarify what is meant when we refer to heart failure. We will talk about different types of heart failure and causes and risk factors for developing each. We will also review how signs and symptoms
In this lesson, we will define hypertension and review different stages of the disorder. We’re also going to go over causes and risk factors for developing hypertension and signs and symptoms nurses will be assessing for. Finally we will
In this lesson, we will review types of cardiac enzymes and markers that indicate tissue damage to the heart. We will discuss collection and transport of specimens and priority assessments after the procedure. Learning Objectives: Upon the completion of
In this lesson, we will discuss what arterial pressure monitoring is and discuss its use in monitoring cardiac function. We will also look at the important role the nurse plays before, during, and after this monitoring process. Learning Objectives:
In this lesson, we will discuss pulmonary artery catheterization and discuss its use in diagnosing causes of heart dysfunction. We will also look at the important role the nurse plays before and after this procedure in preventing complications. Priority nursing
In this lesson, we will define mean arterial pressure and we will learn how to calculate it. We will review normal mean arterial pressures. We will also look at the important role the nurse plays during this monitoring process.
In this lesson, we will discuss what hemodynamic monitoring is and discuss its use in monitoring cardiac function. We will review hemodynamic terminology and concepts that will be important to be familiar with and will also look at the important
In this lesson, we will discuss what central venous pressure monitoring is and discuss its use in monitoring cardiac function. We will also look at the important role the nurse plays before, during, and after this monitoring process. Learning
In this lesson, we will review what the components of a complete metabolic panel are and how each aids in diagnosing disorders of the cardiovascular system. We will then review nursing interventions for drawing a complete metabolic panel focusing on
In this lesson, we will identify why blood cultures are performed and review some important nursing interventions prior to collecting blood cultures. We will discuss collection and transport of specimens and priority assessments after the procedure. Learning Objectives: Upon