White Blood Cells

In this lesson, we will look at an important part of the immune system, the white blood cell (WBC). We will review types of white blood cells along with the functions of each. We will then go over important information

Radioallergosorbent Skin Test (RAST)

In this lesson, we will summarize the reasons for a radioallergosorbent skin testing and what it is used to help diagnose.  We will review the testing process and will discuss some potential complications of testing.  Finally, we will go over

Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)

In this lesson, we will determine what Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) testing is and why the screening is done.  We will also identify some common disorders that an ANA test can aid in diagnosing.  Finally, we will go over nursing interventions

Allergen Skin Test

In this lesson, we will summarize the reasons for and mechanics of allergen skin testing.  We will review the skin testing process and discuss some potential complications of skin testing.  Finally, we will go over nursing interventions for before, during,

HIV Test

In this lesson, we will summarize what HIV is and methods that can be used to screen for this type of infection.  We will also go over some diagnostic testing that can help monitor the progression or effectiveness of medications. 

Anatomy & Physiology of Immune System

Throughout this lesson, we will identify the structures and function of the Immune system including the lymphatic system, types of infection fighting cells and organs, and immunoglobulins. It is important to know the normal function, lab values, and appearance of